Dalgona Cake
Dalgona cake is a simple chocolate cake with Dalgona cream frosting. This recipe can be made with normal dairy milk or the healthier almond milk.

For the cake
- 90 g Anchor melted butter
- 50 g sugar
- 3 egg yolks
- 80 g flour
- 15 g cocoa powder
- 1 tsp baking powder
- 15 g 137 degrees Almond Milk
- 1 tbspSuiSS Haco Espresso Dark Roast
- 1 tbsphot water
- 2egg white
- 45 g sugar
1) Preheat Panasonic Cubie oven (or your own oven) to 160c.
2) Mix A till sugar is dissolved and slightly pale in colour.
3) Add in B (sifted), followed by C and mix well.
4) In another bowl, whisk egg white using a hand mixer until fluffy then gradually add in sugar. Whisk till firm peak.
5) Remove 1/4 egg white mixture and fold into flour mixture and mix till well combined. Fold in remaining egg white and mix lightly using a spatula.
6) Pour into the prepared 6 inch cake tin lined with parchment paper.
7) Bake at 160c for 15 minutes, then at 150c for 20-25 minutes or till skewer comes out clean. Set aside to cool. (Temperature and timing may defer depending on your oven at home so please monitor accordingly).
For Dalgona Cream
- 1.5 tbspSuiSS Haco Espresso Dark Roast
- 1 tbsp hot water
- 250 gAnchor whipping cream
- 40 g sugar
1) Mix SuiSS Haco Espresso Dark Roast with water and set aside to cool.
2) In a bowl, whip up the cream till fluffy, then add in sugar and continue mixing till cream is firm.
3) Fold the coffee mixture into cream and mix well.
4) Transfer whipped cream into a piping bag and place in the chiller.
For Caramelised Granola
- 100 g Mornflake crunchy granola
- 50 g sugar
- 15 g Anchor butter
1) Put all the ingredients in a small pot and cook till sugar is melted and all is well combined.
2) Transfer the caramelised granola onto the parchment paper and spread out to cool.
To assemble
1. Slice cake into 3 layers and set aside.
2. Take a piece of the cake and place on cake board. Then pipe 1/3 of cream onto the cake. Top with another piece of cake and pipe one layer of cream over it. Repeat with the final layer of cake and cream.
3. Garnish with caramelised granola and chill the cake for 3 hours before serving.
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