Grooming Tips and Tricks to Ensure You Look Your Best

Suddenly we’re out and about again. The freedom is hugely welcome and brings with it the opportunity to make sure we look our best. You may have visited the barber’s with a sigh of relief, but there’s more to hair care than that.
Let’s start with shaving.
Choose the right shaver
Sure, you want a shaver that’s fast and comfortable to use (and doesn’t leave you in the bathroom longer than necessary because it keeps missing a bit).
The Panasonic ES-LV97 is smooth and efficient, thanks to five sharp blades that cover everything from lifting up flat-lying hairs and a second finishing cut.
Why fewer strokes are better
Because the Panasonic ES-LV97 moves in 16 directions, it reduces the number of strokes required (which means there’s less chance of razor burn and the job gets done quicker).
Post-shave, keep your skin hydrated
You’ll be glad you took the time to do this.
And when you’re done, you still have to clean your shaver, right? Actually, no. The LV97’s autocleaning and charging system can take that in hand for you.
Days off are good
Oh, and if you were feeling lazy at the weekend and didn’t shave, well, you’re doing it right. Experts say taking a day off shaving each week helps by giving your skin a rest.
On to the body
You’ll need a precision trimmer, like the Panasonic ER-GB62, which is very versatile, working for beard, hair and even body styling. It succeeds because as well as being durable, its nano-polished stainless-steel blades.
Body hair is different
This is important, because the shaver you use on your face isn’t quite suitable for other parts of your body, not least because body hair is often thicker than facial hair, so the blades need to be more powerful. A trimmer like this can be used in lots of places and can cut at 39 different length settings so you can get exactly the effect you’re after.
Think about bacteria
There’s another tip from experts as to why you shouldn’t have just one shaver: we have different bacteria on our bodies than on our faces.
Don’t shave chest hair
Experts say you shouldn’t shave chest hair — a body trimmer is the answer — and means that your skin won’t feel like sandpaper as it does when the stubble is just beginning to grow again after shaving.
Take time and feel relaxed
Trimming body hair should feel different from shaving — you wouldn’t want your hairdresser to do a rush job on your head, so give your body the same respect.
Protect yourself
It’s worth protecting your skin before you start manscaping, just as you would with your face.
Different lengths are good
Just like the hair on your head is different lengths, you need to make sure your body hair isn’t all a uniform length. On your chest, for instance, the hair in the middle should be a little longer than that on the outside of the chest which looks natural. Different lengths also look more natural as the hair grows out again.
Whatever you do, with the right tools, you can achieve great results, so you’ll feel confident and assured, knowing you look your best as you leave home.