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Kasugai City Holiday/Weekday Night Emergency Clinic

A safe environment for our emergency medical professionals

Our clinic, established in Kasugai City, is a medical institution that mainly examines mildly ill patients, and provides appropriate medical care for patients who become suddenly ill on holidays or weekday nights. We started using the ziainoTM from 2020 for its sterilization effects after having experienced it through trial use. Currently, a total of 11 units are installed in locations such as our waiting area. Our clinic handles patients who become suddenly ill with various symptoms. We believe that by controlling the bacteria in the facility, the ziainoTM will not only alleviate any anxiety our visitors may have, but will also provide an environment where doctors and nurses can work with peace of mind.
*Comments are based on personal impressions.

No. of units installed: 11 units
Prefecture: Aichi Prefecture
Administrator: Public Interest Incorporated Foundation Kasugai City Health Care Corporation

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