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Yoneku Delica Foods Co., Ltd.

We installed 17 units after measuring sterilization effects in-house

We produce frozen foods such as Chinese side dishes and Chinese dim sum, which are our main products, at our three factories in Numazu, Shizuoka, and Maebashi.
Because we have more than 500 employees, we are concerned about health management. When visiting an exhibition to search for possible sterilization measures, we were amazed by the sterilization effects of the ziainoTM and decided to start using it immediately. We also measured its sterilization effect in-house and decided to install 17 units in our three factories based on those results. We prioritized placement in offices, changing rooms, and dining rooms where foot traffic is high. The deodorizing effects of the ziainoTM appeared immediately after installation. This included odors being removed from changing rooms and we have ever-increasing expectations for its sterilization effects.
*Comments are based on personal impressions.

No. of units installed: 17 units
Prefecture: Shizuoka Prefecture
Operator: Yoneku Delica Foods Co., Ltd.

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