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Private Care Facility Aozora

Used for sterilization measures and room deodorization

In Takikawa City, Hokkaido, where our home is located, the average annual temperature is as low as around 7°C, requiring us to focus more on our heating equipment for use in winter rather than equipment for cooling in summer. In order to prevent dry air and promote sterilization, we work to control the humidity as necessary, and make various efforts to do so, including using equipment such as humidifiers. For these reasons, we have decided to start using the ziainoTM because it keeps costs down, reduced staff labor, and can be maintained reliably. We also use it to deodorize rooms that have been recently vacated so that the next resident can feel comfortable when moving in.
*Comments are based on personal impressions.

No. of units installed: 3 units (F-JDJ50-W)
Prefecture: Hokkaido
Operator: Hokusei Corporation

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