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Yamamoto Children's Center

Our center's children are feeling great in the first winter since starting to use the ziainoTM

Based on our director's concept of providing "better childcare and a better environment", we have installed the ziainoTM in the halls and classrooms on the 1st and 2nd floors of our center. The purpose of this installation is to provide sterilization measures. We are currently in the first winter since starting to use the ziainoTM, and the children are doing well. We feel it may have been a good decision to start using it before the onset of winter. The hypochlorite used by the ziainoTM is said to be so effective and safe that dentists use it to treat cavities. After learning about it, we purchased hypochlorite water and started using it to disinfect the equipment in our center.
*Comments are based on personal impressions.

No. of units installed: 6 units (F-JML30-W); 2 units (F-JDL50-W)
Prefecture: Osaka Prefecture
Operator: Mitsuhisa Fukushikai Social Welfare Corporation

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