We are active in CSR and the environment to meet the demands of the changing markets and the expectations of our stakeholders, in terms of human rights and labor, safety and health, environmental protection, ethics, procurement, etc.​


CSR Policy

Panasonic Industry considers CSR activities based on the Management Philosophy to be essential for its license to operate. We must meet changing market needs and stakeholder expectations in areas including human rights, labor, hearth and safety, environmental protection, ethics, and procurement. In addition to all relevant national laws and regulations, We shall promote its activities based on global standards, norms, guidelines, and initiatives.​

Panasonic Industry’s CSR activity shall focus on the following seven focus areas for purposes of CSR materiality:​

  1. Human Rights and Lobor
  2. Hearth and Safety
  3. Environment
  4. Ethics
  5. Quality and Product Safety
  6. BCP and BCM
  7. Supply Chain

We shall construct a CSR system for each business division and site, based on a CSR management system for continual improvement. CSR management shall be practiced based on this policy. The policy and CSR management system shall apply to the entire supply chain and value chain, including temporary staffing agencies, contract production companies and subcontractors. That is, the boundary and scope of the policy and CSR management system shall be the entire supply chain and value chain. CSR activities shall be promoted throughout the supply chain conducting due diligence in cooperation with primary suppliers.

Environmental Activities

パナソニック インダストリー株式会社の環境活動

The Panasonic Group announced Panasonic GREEN IMPACT, our long-term environmental vision, to contribute to reducing CO2 emissions both in our business and in society.
We are engaged with the most pressing and highest priority issues of climate change and resource depletion.

Panasonic Industry, based on the Panasonic Group's policy, will achieve both environmental contributions and business growth through helping to make possible a decarbonized society and a circular economy.

Responsible Minerals Procurement

パナソニック インダストリー株式会社の責任ある鉱物調達

Violations of human rights involving minerals are a key issue for CSR, which we are actively engaged in under a clear policy.​


Responsible Minerals Procurement

Panasonic Industry recognizes that the procurement of tin, tantalum, tungsten, gold and cobalt from states in conflict areas and other high-risk areas, may inadvertently fund organizations involved in bribery and other unlawful activities, which is a socially grave concern.

In order to make its activities on the issues more clearly, Industry Company formulates the Responsible Procurement of Minerals Policy and publishes it to the Panasonic Industry Web site as below.​

  • We establish an internal control structure and management system for responsible procurement of minerals, based on the OECD Due Diligence Guidance.
  • We adopt a survey sheet of RMI (Responsible Minerals Initiative), which is the industry standard, and conduct surveys and risk assessments by tracing back through supply chains in cooperation with Tier 1 suppliers.
  • If a risk is identified, we develop a corrective plan and implement measures to minimize risk.
  • We respond to requests from customers and other stakeholders and report on the risks identified based on evaluation standards and implement corrective measures if necessary.
  • We respond to requests from customers and other stakeholders and report on the risks identified based on evaluation standards and implement corrective measures if necessary.