Memiliki lisensi VDI 6022
Sertifikasi sistem HVAC berdasarkan VDI 6022 menjamin bahwa sistem tersebut memenuhi persyaratan kebersihan paling ketat.
VDI 6022 – Sertifikasi Bagian 5
'Menghindari paparan alergi'
Menghambat berbagai bakteri berbahaya, virus, jamur, serbuk sari, dan alergen.
Teknologi Panasonic nanoe™ X, setelah pengujian ketat dalam kondisi pengujian paling ketat, telah mendapatkan sertifikasi VDI6022, yang menjamin tingkat efektivitas tertinggi terhadap paparan alergen umum seperti serbuk sari, jamur, dan banyak alergen hewan peliharaan umum yang ada di dalam ruangan.
Serbuk sari
VDI 6022 – Bagian 1 & 1.1 Sertifikasi
'Ventilasi dan kualitas udara dalam ruangan'
Teknologi Panasonic nanoe™ X meningkatkan kualitas udara dalam ruangan.
Teknologi Panasonic nanoe™ X telah dicoba dan diuji selama lebih dari 20 tahun dan terbukti menghambat berbagai bakteri, virus, jamur, serbuk sari, dan alergen berbahaya.
*1, Tanda sertifikasi part5 hanya berlaku untuk Generater Mark3.
*2, Tanda sertifikasi part1 hanya berlaku untuk Generater Mark3.
*3, Tanda sertifikasi part1.1 hanya berlaku untuk Generater Mark2 dan Mark3.
Menghambat alergen yang berasal dari hewan peliharaan
dan alergen utama.
Selain alergen* dari sumber seperti bulu anjing/kucing, kotoran/bangkai tungau*, dan jamur yang dibawa udara*, alergen utama lainnya* juga dapat dihambat.
Usia sensitif
Mungkinkah ada alergen yang bersembunyi di karpet? Di rumah atau di kamar bayi, nanoe™ X membantu menjaga orang yang Anda sayangi tetap aman dengan menembus jauh ke dalam kain untuk menghambat berbagai alergen, sehingga Anda merasa tenang.
Efek pada alergen
Efek penghambatan* dibuktikan oleh hilangnya bagian berwarna (band) yang bereaksi terhadap alergen.
Dermatophagoides farinae
Serbuk sari
Serbuk sari rumput
Alergen yang terbukti dengan nanoe™ X
Tungau |
Dermatophagoides farinae/Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus |
Jamur |
Alternaria/Aspergillus/Candida/Malassezia |
Hewan |
Anjing (bulu)/Kucing (bulu) |
Serangga |
Kecoa/Ngengat |
Serbuk sari pohon |
Aras/Cemara/Alder jepang/Birch putih jepang/Pohon zaitun/Pohon juniper/Kasuarina |
Serbuk sari rumput |
Rumput Orchard/Rumput Timothy/Rumput liar/Miscanthus/Artemisia/Humulus japonicus |
Cara kerja nanoe™ X
nanoe™ X menjangkau alergen.
Radikal hidroksil mendenaturasi protein alergen.
Alergen dihambat.*
*Organisasi pengujian: Pusat Analisis Produk Panasonic. Metode pengujian: Dibuktikan menggunakan metode elektroforesis di ruang uji berukuran kurang lebih 23 m3. Metode penghambatan: nanoe™ dirilis. Zat sasaran: Alergen (Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus, Dermatophagoides farina, Aras, Cemara, Rumput Orchard, Rumput liar, Alnus japonica, Birch putih jepang, Artemisia, Pohon zaitun, Pohon juniper, Kasuarina, Miscanthus, Rumput Timothy, Humulus japonicus, Alternaria, Aspergillus, Candida, Malassezia, kecoa, ngengat, anjing (bulu), kucing (bulu)). Hasil uji: Efek penghambatan dikonfirmasi dalam 24 jam. (4AA33-160615-F01, 4AA33-170301-F15, 4AA33-151001-F01, 4AA33-151028-F01, 4AA-33-160601-F01, 4AA33-160601-F02, 4AA33-160701-F01, 1V332-180301-F01, 4AA33-160615-F02, 4AA33-160615-F03, 4AA33-160620-F01)
Hasil mungkin berbeda tergantung penggunaan, serta variabel musim dan lingkungan (suhu dan kelembapan). nanoe™ X dan nanoe™ menghambat aktivitas atau pertumbuhan virus, tetapi tidak mencegah infeksi.
Target |
Results*¹ |
Test space |
Exposure |
Testing organisation |
Report No. |
Adhering |
Mite |
98% |
45 L |
2 |
Panasonic Product Analysis Center |
E02-080204IN-02 |
60% |
Approx. |
24 |
BAA33-130304-F04 |
Aspergillus |
93.9% |
45 L |
2 |
Institute of Tokyo |
11MAR076_1 |
Dog |
99.8% |
45 L |
1 |
11M-RPTAPR047_1 |
Cat |
98.6% |
45 L |
2 |
11M-RPTAPR051_1 |
Cedar |
99% |
45 L |
2 |
Panasonic Product Analysis Center |
E02-080303IN-03 |
88% |
Approx. |
8 |
BAA33-130402-F01 |
87% |
Approx. |
8 |
SHES160600431171 |
Cypress |
Inhibited |
Approx. |
24 |
Panasonic Product Analysis Center |
1V332-171010-F04 |
Inhibited |
45 L |
1 |
Shinshu University, |
Orchardgrass |
Inhibited |
Approx. |
24 |
Panasonic Product Analysis Center |
1V332-171010-F02 |
Inhibited |
45 L |
1 |
Shinshu University, |
Ragweed |
Inhibited |
Approx. |
24 |
Panasonic Product Analysis Center |
1V332-171010-F01 |
Inhibited |
45 L |
1 |
Shinshu University, |
nanoe™ X
Target |
Results*¹ |
Test space |
Exposure |
Testing organisation |
Report No. |
Adhering |
Mite |
98% |
45 L |
2 |
Panasonic Product Analysis Center |
E02-080204IN-02 |
60% |
Approx. |
24 |
Panasonic Product Analysis Center |
BAA33-130304-F04 |
Aspergillus |
93.9% |
45 L |
2 |
Institute of Tokyo |
11MAR076_1 |
inhibited |
Approx. |
24 |
Panasonic Product Analysis Center |
4AA33-160615-F02 |
Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus |
inhibited |
Approx. |
24 |
Panasonic Product Analysis Center |
4AA33-160615-F01 |
Alternaria |
inhibited |
Approx. |
24 |
Panasonic Product Analysis Center |
4AA33-160615-F02 |
Candida |
inhibited |
Approx. |
24 |
Panasonic Product Analysis Center |
4AA33-160615-F02 |
Malassezia furfur |
inhibited |
Approx. |
24 |
Panasonic Product Analysis Center |
4AA33-160615-F02 |
Dog |
99.8% |
45 L |
1 |
Institute of Tokyo |
11M-RPTAPR047_1 |
inhibited |
Approx. |
24 |
Panasonic Product Analysis Center |
4AA33-160620-F01 |
Cat |
98.6% |
45 L |
2 |
Institute of Tokyo |
11M-RPTAPR051_1 |
inhibited |
Approx. |
24 |
Panasonic Product Analysis Center |
4AA33-160620-F01 |
Rabbit |
inhibited |
Approx. |
24 |
Panasonic Product Analysis Center |
1V332-180614-Y03 |
Guinea pig |
inhibited |
Approx. |
24 |
Panasonic Product Analysis Center |
1V332-180806-Y04 |
Hamster |
inhibited |
Approx. |
24 |
Panasonic Product Analysis Center |
1V332-180806-Y02 |
Mouse |
inhibited |
Approx. |
24 |
Panasonic Product Analysis Center |
1V332-180806-Y03 |
Canary |
inhibited |
Approx. |
24 |
Panasonic Product Analysis Center |
1V332-190202-Y03 |
Parakeet |
inhibited |
Approx. |
24 |
Panasonic Product Analysis Center |
1V332-180806-Y01 |
Cockroach |
inhibited |
Approx. |
24 |
Panasonic Product Analysis Center |
4AA33-160615-F03 |
Psocid |
inhibited |
Approx. |
24 |
Panasonic Product Analysis Center |
Psocoptera |
inhibited |
Approx. |
24 |
Panasonic Product Analysis Center |
1V332-190130-Y01 |
Cedar |
99% |
45 L |
2 |
Panasonic Product Analysis Center |
E02-080303IN-03 |
99% |
Approx. |
24 |
Panasonic Product Analysis Center |
4AA33-151001-F01 |
97% |
Approx. |
8 |
98.9% |
24 m³ |
8 |
1V332-170703-F08 |
Cedar |
inhibited |
Approx. |
24 |
Panasonic Product Analysis Center |
4AA33-151015-F01 |
Cypress |
inhibited |
45 L |
1 |
Shinshu University, |
inhibited |
Approx. |
24 |
Panasonic Product Analysis Center |
4AA33-151028-F01 |
Orchardgrass |
inhibited |
Approx. |
24 |
Panasonic Product Analysis Center |
4AA33-151028-F01 |
inhibited |
45 L |
1 |
Shinshu University, |
Ragweed |
inhibited |
Approx. |
24 |
Panasonic Product Analysis Center |
4AA33-151028-F01 |
inhibited |
45 L |
1 |
Shinshu University, |
White birch |
inhibited |
Approx. |
24 |
Panasonic Product Analysis Center |
4AA33-160601-F01 |
Mugwort |
inhibited |
Approx. |
24 |
Panasonic Product Analysis Center |
Alder |
inhibited |
Approx. |
24 |
Panasonic Product Analysis Center |
Pampas grass |
inhibited |
Approx. |
24 |
Panasonic Product Analysis Center |
4AA33-160601-F02 |
Olive |
inhibited |
Approx. |
24 |
Panasonic Product Analysis Center |
Juniper |
inhibited |
Approx. |
24 |
Panasonic Product Analysis Center |
Casuarina |
inhibited |
Approx. |
24 |
Panasonic Product Analysis Center |
Timothy grass |
inhibited |
Approx. |
24 |
Panasonic Product Analysis Center |
4AA33-160701-F01 |
Humulus japonicus |
inhibited |
Approx. |
24 |
Panasonic Product Analysis Center |
1V332-180301-F01 |
nanoe™ X (nanoe™ X Generator Mark 2)
nanoe™ X (nanoe™ X Generator Mark 3)
Target |
Results*¹ |
Test space |
Exposure |
Testing organisation |
Report No. |
Adhering |
Cedar pollen |
Inhibited |
Approx. |
3 |
Panasonic Product Analysis Center |
H21YA017-1 |
Dermatophagoides |
Inhibited |
Approx. |
6 |
Panasonic Product Analysis Center |
H21YA046-1 |
Ragweed |
Inhibited |
Approx. |
6 |
Panasonic Holdings Corporation Product Analysis Center |
H23YA033 |
Mites |
Inhibited |
Approx. |
6 |
Panasonic Holdings Corporation Product Analysis Center |
H23YA034 |
Cat |
Inhibited |
Approx. |
6 |
Panasonic Holdings Corporation Product Analysis Center |
H23YA035 |